Friday, April 24, 2009

A Patients Patience. . .

. . . Can wear thin. It's just after 5 am. My friends wheeled me down to a lovely little Turkish place down the road and we had a fun night. Got back to the ward just after 9 and could tell jeanne was quite plastered by then. At 1 am she was still topping up her plastic cup. 1 30am she was still wheeling outside for a ciggie. 2 am she drunk dials her husband and at 3 am with the tv still blearing i call the nurses to put her to bed. Since then i have laid here listening to the grunts, groans, snore's and incessant chatter of a content woman on the same dose of downers they would give to kill a horse!


  1. fair bl**dy crack of the whip now jeanie..... miss milne NEEDS some rest for her rehabilitation!!!! oh jeanie won't be getting the symapthetic smiles from me if she doesn't stop with the partying for one!! xnat

  2. Hi ya Rach, Enid Blyton of Bisley, what some need to do a daily and nightly diary where you are. Take care keep your chin up (like us), and get a crick in the neck, takes your mind off other things. URob is now where he should be and waiting for Round 2. I hope his rehab is quieter than yours hahaha. Take care and lots of love from us AP&URxxxx

  3. Hi Rach how are you? Sittimg heare with your drunk mother, she is showing me how to post a comment. Once I have learnt I will be doing my own on my new lap top ha ha. Take care and Talk to you soon Love Maryxx
