Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Home visit

I am not sure i like occupational therapist's. Like the scorpion, they can look you in the eye with a sugar sweet smile on their face, then when you least expect it, strike you from behind, severing a main artery.

The artery of Hope.

You see they are actually lovely people (I have met 4, I am qualified to judge). Their job is to ' maximise my capacity to carry out my Activities of Daily Living ' (ADL's). They introduce apparatus that will assist me during this transitional period. Their job is to make sure i'm safe.
Of course their scorpion like sting is rhetorical. But it does feel like a slap in the face when they talk about: wheelchair access, adjustable shower seats, safety bars or bedside commode's. What they don't understand is that I won't need these things when i dance out of here. I might be on crutches but i will be dancing!
Why move the furniture in my front room for wheel chairs when i won't be in one? Why would i sit down in a shower? Isn't that the same as a bath?
I am not completely opposed to some of their ideas. I must admit the safety bars could be advantageous. I would prefer to put them on the wall near my front door so i have something to hang off when i am trying to put the key in the lock at 3 in the morning.

The bedside commode can stay.

Maybe the OT's are being a little OTT, but they have given me permission for a HOME VISIT on saturday night.

That will improve my ADL!


  1. Baby-faced assassins.....

  2. what ever you do, don't say no to the shower chair!!! I will borrow it off you as I think this is something everyone has call for especially on a saturday or sunday after a big night!!!! getting up to standing after sitting on the shower/bath floor bath with the water soothing ones head can be more of a mission than is achievable on the occasionas where I pull up like Trina Lee!! don't be too hard on the poor OTTs though..... they fill a very important role that Speechies, Physios and social work can't really be bothered with!! bring on SATURDAY!!!! xx Nat

  3. petra simone cremmingApril 30, 2009 at 10:45 PM

    Return of the Arch!! Get those ballet shoes on darling and we shall celebrate the return of your arch. Sunday.
    Hope today went well.
    managed to find myself a pizza in Ripponlea on the way home, ate the whole thing by the time I got home. Hungry? No, premenstrual.
    Love you love you love you love you.
    Ps: I hope that funny nurse is still looking at your heaving breast.

  4. Hey Petra - you've just announced you are pre menstrual on the web - love it!!
