Monday, April 27, 2009

A Pivitol Week Ahead. . .

Just a quick post to let you know what a big week i have planned. Apart from my 2 hours of physio a day, i will also get my custom built AFO's, or leg and foot splints. They will be more comfortable and allow me to wear them for longer. On wednesday i get to go home with the occupational the rapist's to check what changes i need in the home. Make any quick changes there and then and inform the letting agents of any major changes. A quick thank you to Nat for cleaning my apartment and hopefully hiding anything that may cause red faces. Like BOB who might be lying on the bed. On thursday morning i head back to the Alfred hospital for nerve conduction studies. Not sure how it works but it will give me an idea of longer term objectives i MIGHT need to think about. I know it involves big needles! Then i may well be allowed a sleep over at chez raquel on saturday night. . . With the view to go home on 13 th and get home physio. Wow! I do hope i get my cheese board finished this week!


  1. Great news Rach. Good luck with the week ahead - especially the cheese board.
    Am moving to St Kilda on Saturday - will come and visit when I have a few more boxes packed - how did I accumulate so much cr@p!!!!

  2. Don't worry.... He was no where to be found in the bed (well, at least I never found him when I stayed there the other week!!). Looks like a booking system for visitors might be required more than ever in the next 2 weeks!! Busy Busy!! Here's to good nerve stimulation activity this week. x Nat

  3. BTW that first comment was from me - Fex xx

  4. Great stuff Rach! Let me know if you're gonna be home on the weekend. Would love to catch up! Still trying to get appointments around the corner from you so we be lunch buddies - will keep you posted! Hugs. Paul x
