Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Mummy Returns

Great news. My Mum comes over next week. She arrives on the 13th May and I can not wait to see her. My expected discharge date is also the 13th - although the physios are already talking about extending it - hopefully not for much longer.

In anticipation for my Mum's arrival and the possibility of still being discharged close to her arrival date, I am really focusing on rest.

I'm not really up for visitors this week, I am managing to extend my physio sessions and that means I need all the rest I can get. So if I can't be discharged on the 13th, I know it's not because I've been burning the candle at both ends.


  1. Hey Rache,
    You are a bloody trouper - Dan and I both thinking about you heaps. Have you read "The Dirt" the Motley Crue story?? Its a great read, full of sex, drugs and rock! If you havent, (or even if you have) let me know where we can send you our pre-loved copy to while away an hour or two between training sessions.
    Love you long time Sarah and Dan xxx

  2. Great to see you on the weekend. Rest up, physio it up and I look forward to seeing you post-Caulfield days. Lots of love Fex

  3. Rachelle, Pleased to hear you are progressing even if it is a little slow for you liking. Hope Nurse Nat looked after you over the weekend and you enjoyed your escape. You will improve in leaps and bounds once mummy arrives. We all know mothers know best. xxLizWeekley

  4. Look at all the responses from the Adelonians! Thanks Fex, Sarah, Dan and Mother Liz.
    Jeannie's behaving herself and I am enjoying the rest - I only wish there was more on TV. My hairdresser and beautician breezed in today and left me with a new hair do and a lovely new colour on my toes to show my Doc's tomorrow morning!

    So I am very spoilt!


  5. So Mr Cleaner won't be cleaning up a forest again...terrific!

  6. Mr Cleaner??? He sounds scary!

    Rach, would love to see you when you're feeling up to it! Perhaps we could have you and your Mummy over for Din Din's in the new place. I'm sure we'll be in before she leaves - and not too many stairs!

    Hugs and cuddles.

    Paulie xxx

  7. Mr. Cleaner? Ha ha, that must be Gina!!
    Paul I do hope I see you before then??
