Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm Coming Out, I Want The World To Know, Got To Let It Show...

So it’s really happening. I will be discharged tomorrow. I am required to check out of Hotel Caulfield by 11am.

How do I feel?

Well, good, I guess. Sort off…

7 weeks ago, when I woke up from the operation with little to no sensation and dull tingling in my toes, feet, legs, bum and saddle area – I must admit I panicked. I overwhelmed myself with thinking 6 months ahead and letting my imagination run wild. My head went into the clouds and I conjured up dark, depressing images of how my life will change, and quite frankly, I thought it was over. Ridiculous I know.

I remember feeling nervous about leaving The Alfred. I had no idea what rehab was (due to reading too many trashy magazines!) and I was still sore with the Medical Emergency Crew for passing up such a great storyline.

I managed to stay positive by breaking down my recovery into bite sized pieces. Initially one day at a time, then as more feeling came back, one week at a time.

While I have been in rehab, I have just focused on getting better and not worrying about anything. I spoke to my workplace and they reassured me my job was safe and they also told me to just focus on getting better. And I have done just that.

Don’t worry about a thing, just focus on getting better. Worry about everything later.



Later is now,

Now is later.


That’s the noise I made when I came back down to earth.

So, it’s official. I am leaving on Friday. I’ve hired my wheelchair and crutches, my outpatients appointments have been made, I did a theory driving assessment yesterday and my practical driving assessment will be next week (this will determine if I can drive an automatic or only a hand control car). My flat has been fitted with all the modifications I require, The Pharmacist has the drugs ready and the nurses are talking about missing me. Ah bless.

So this next phase will be around integrating myself back into the real world again and eventually back to work.

I will have to change my world, although I still want a lot of my old world brought over, I can’t have it all.

Like I am 17 again, Mum is excited about me driving. She knows how much independence this can give someone. This is my next big project, broken down to bite sized pieces, next week the driving assessment, the week after the car. I hope it will be the automatic option.

My friend Petra hates the term ‘discharge” for reasons I won’t go into so I looked up the definition of discharge and here are my favourites:

To relieve of a burden
To release, as from confinement, care, or duty
To shoot
to relieve oneself

Let's hope I don't do a Frank Spencer down the Breezeway...


  1. Rachael, Sorry about misspelling your name.
    Here in Adelaide every two years (and it begins next week) we have the Come Out Festival for children - usually geared for 4-12 years. You may like to act like a 12 year old now that you are "breaking free". We hope the "home coming" is all you want and that you continue with your good work and please don't lose your great sense of humour. Liz W

  2. Congrats, best wishes and good luck..........the blog will contiune though wont it???
    Bob Dubai

  3. Well Rachy,
    I always thought I would be congratulating you coming out of a very different form of rehab !!
    Well done lady - as Bob said keep up the blog.

    I will call you over the weekend to check on your progress.


  4. The blog must continue Rach! You've made amazing progress so far and will no doubt continue to do so.

    If you ever finish that cheese board then I'll pop in for cheese and a vino next time I'm in Melbs.

    Keep on keepin' on!

    Mwah xoxooo

  5. Hey Mystic Milney,

    You truly have kept your posimism over this difficult time. I'm sure this is part of the reason why you're doing so well!

    Well done you. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

    Cuddles & hugs,

    Paulie xxx

  6. Hello all, I do love a blog comment so thank you very much! I have been offline and quite frankly it's been awful! It's like having your Counsellor cancel an appointment - just when you were ready to open up - I find the whole blog installment process very therapeutic, even the tap tap tapping of the keyboard is like a lullaby...erm, anyway...

    No this is'nt the end of the blog. Stay turned!!

