Thursday, January 14, 2010

2010 - Numerology and My Horoscope Prediction

Ten is a higher octave of the number one and signifies an end of an important cycle in which a change in circumstances will soon be forthcoming.

It carries with it much esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes ten lunar months to bring a baby from conception into the world, there are ten sepiroth in many versions of the Kaballah, the most common number system used today is based on the number ten, and most currencies in use today have been decimalised.

People generally have ten fingers on which to count, leading to an easy adoption of ten as the base of our intuitive number system. This belief is also central to Chinese Numerology.


Early in the year it may feel like a very bumpy ride - but if you buckle up and stay on board you'll find you've made a lot of progress by year's end.

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