This is the first time in 3 months I have been in my own company. I am becoming a little introspective.
Without the distraction of Doctors, Nurses, Physio's, Specialists, Visitors and my Mum, I am getting some time to think. I am still upbeat and positive, but it has been an emotional time for me. I think I am finally grieving. But before you all call me or email me worried I am spiralling into a pit of despair, I am not. I am just entering another level of acceptance and getting used to being on my own again.
I saw the Club Caulfield Registra on Monday. Dr. Richard said it was a good thing to get back to work as people who stay off work for prolonged periods, have disabilities that own them. I need to own my disability.
I officially go back to work on the 13th July now so have the next 2 weeks to rest, repair and get to the hydrotherapy pool as much as possible. This really keeps me spirits up.
I am still reliant on the crutches although the stability through my pelvis is returning and I do not have to put as much weight on them. I can take a few more steps without the crutches and without the AFO's and not wobble like I am auditioning for HAPPY FEET 2.
My next personal goal, is proficiency using only one crutch.
With incomplete spinal cord injuries, I am told, the major recovery happens within the first 3 or 4 months - then it plateaus and recovery slows down. After 2 years, if you have not recovered 100%, you are not likely to. So as I embark on my 4th month, I have had a word with myself. I need to rest and recover as much as I can.
I am already doing a lot with the exercise, healthy eating and not smoking. Just one more demon to face….
Although there is no scientific evidence to suggest that alcohol can slow the healing process (broken bones are different) after a few drinks you think you are superman and with the rains coming down here in Melbourne, the ground is wet. Crutches on wet ground can equal a disaster. Now add a few smooth reds with your friends down the local Pub and we could be looking at more time in hospital!

So, I have signed up for DRY JULY. The challenge is to get people to sponsor me for an ALCOHOL FREE JULY - The money goes to selected cancer charities.
You can sponsor me here: https://www.dryjuly.com/profiles/rachaelmilne
(it seems I put the wrong link in, I wondered why I had received ZERO sponsors - now you can try again, it's for charity you know - CANCER charities)
I get the feeling this will be harder than quitting smoking, but I will commit to it. Also on the dry July bandwagon are Nat and Kelly.
In the back of my car and ready to be returned to the hospital…is The KARMA Queen. I haven’t needed my trusty steed for weeks now so it’s ready for someone who does!
The pic at the top is taken from one of the wineries at The Clare Valley, South Australia. A gang of us went at the weekend and I just wanted to say thanks to them all for looking out for me.